Building Superhero Resilience for Everyday Life (Pt 2)
By: Kevin Byer Last week I shared part 1 of some tools and strategies that research shows can help us build the heroic quality of...
Building Superhero Resilience for everyday life (pt.1)
Written by: Kevin Byer One of the most important qualities to help individuals not only get through these times of struggle, challenge,...
Become Hope... the World Needs That
2017 has been a challenging year for many people, myself included, and we have also seen a lot of nastiness prominently displayed in the...
'Standing In The Bats' - A Heroic Journey Into Fear
Today will be the first of a set of articles in which I share how superheroes inspire me and connect to different elements of my growth...
'Daredevil' Netflix Season 1: Thoughts + a Daredevil Inspired Exercise in Mindfulness
'Daredevil' centers around the story of Matt Murdock, portayed by Charlie Cox, who is a blind man with a greatly enhanced level of his...